Taylor Services Youth Organization Before/After-School and Tutoring Program primary goals are to improve academic outcomes, promote social and emotional development, and provide innovative outdoor experiences for elementary and middle school students.

TSYO’s After-School Program offers a complementary extension of students’ school-day learning and believes firmly in the importance of holistic development, but also fosters long term success through systems of support to ensure that a strong foundation is established to achieve our desired outcomes. The after school program focuses on reading, math and study skills. The program is designed around a set of ordered skills which the students tackle progressively to achieve better comprehension and basic skills.

Program meets every scheduled school day, Monday thru Friday, 6AM to 9AM then resumes from 2PM to 6PM. ILLINOIS ACTION FOR CHILDREN (CCAP) IS ACCEPTED. Transportation service is available.

For more information, please call us today at (773) 437-6592 or Contact Us

Before/After School & Tutoring Program